Pokémon 3: The Movie

Pikachu and his companions are left on a high rise in Big City by their coaches, who head out to set up an obscure astonishment for the Pokémon. Pikachu meets the Pichu Brothers, sparing the more youthful one from tumbling off a contrary structure. A gathering of Murkrow pursue Pikachu off a flagpole, and he utilizes a gathering of Hoppip to arrive at the opposite side, sending Meowth who is window-cleaning, flying into a bulletin. The Pichu Bros. help Pikachu to re-visitation of his companions yet they wind up going on an excursion over the city to the Pichu Bros' play area. In transit, they get pursued by a Houndour who they later experience once more. The furious Houndour pursues the three around until he almost pushes the play area over. Pikachu, the Pichu Bros., Houndour and their grouping of companions figure out how to spare the play area. Pikachu acknowledges it is almost six o'clock and he should re-visitation of his companions before Ash, his mentor, does. Pikachu and the Pichu Bros. utilize a tire to get to the structure, sending Meowth flying once more. The three show up at the last possible second, the Pichu Brothers withdrawing. Debris, Misty and Brock show up and bring the Pokémon into a room where a gathering has been spread out for them in festivity of the main commemoration of Ash and Pikachu's gathering.