The Crow: Salvation

In Salt Lake City, Alex Corvis is a death row convict outlined for the homicide of his sweetheart Lauren Randall. After three years, he is condemned to death in the hot seat. At the point when he is requested his final words, he says he actually adores Lauren and that he is blameless; the gatekeepers carry out their responsibility, and the switch is pulled. The generator is struck by lightning during the electric shock, abrogating the power, and Alex endures an agonizing, horrendous passing. Not long after the execution, Alex is revived by a magical crow and talented with heavenly capacities so he can demonstrate his innocence and retaliate for Lauren's demise. Alex follows the crow to the Salt Lake City police division's proof room, where he finds that Lauren was executed by a gathering of degenerate cops. Alex has a dream of one of the executioners, who has a scar on his arm coordinating one he saw not long before his execution. Alex finds the blade that was utilized on Lauren, and afterward goes to her grave. There he meets with Lauren's sister Erin, who accepts he is blameworthy. He discloses to her that he will demonstrate his guiltlessness, and vanishes. 

Alex discovers Tommy Leonard, an observer at the preliminary who was paid to give lied declaration about Alex, and powers him to admit that the cops who killed Lauren were Madden, Martin Toomey, Vincent Erlich, Stan Roberts, and Phillip Dutton and that they had taken care of him to lie at the preliminary. 

Alex executes Dutton while the last is endeavoring to assault two little youngsters he had pulled over on a counterfeit alcoholic driving charge, leaving a blood recolored example of a crow on the top of Dutton's vehicle. Next, Alex executes Erlich in an auto collision, however unintentionally drops the rundown of names of the cops he's after, and Roberts and Toomey discover it. Afterward, Alex gives Erin the enrollment from Erlich's vehicle, which was rented from the D.E.R.T. Company, which records Erin's family's personal residence. She at that point discovers that her dad, Nathan Randall, is ready to go with the degenerate cops who slaughtered Lauren and that Lauren had revealed reality, consequently making her dad by implication liable for her passing. Nathan swears he didn't mean for Lauren to bite the dust, however Erin by and by runs from him with sickening dread. 

Alex goes to where Lauren passed on and discovers Erin there. She reprimands herself for Lauren's homicide, disclosing to Alex that she had advised the cops where to go to discover Lauren, imagining that they would just capture Alex. Utilizing the Crow's mysterious force, Alex shows Erin how Lauren fended off her assailants before she was killed and how she ought to excuse herself. Erin returns home and finds that her dad has ended it all. Afterward, Alex meets with his legal counselor, Peter Walsh, who discloses to him that Nathan possessed an organization called Westwind Building, which claims D.E.R.T., presently uncovered as a front for a medication carrying activity. Lauren had seen Detective Roberts, slaughtering a man at the Key Club; Police Captain John Book at that point had Lauren murdered. 

Chafe executes Walsh and Book captures Erin. Alex begins a shootout at the Key Club where he pierces Roberts with a line he severs the roof, and executes the rest of the police. Goad appears and attempts to murder Alex, however his shot unintentionally shoots a wrecked gas pipe; the blast executes Toomey. Alex leaves the fire and sees an arm hanging out of the rubble with the scar on it. 

The following day, Alex discovers that the man with the scarred arm faked his passing is still on the loose. Alex goes to the police headquarters to execute Book. Notwithstanding, he is not, at this point safe, as he "satisfied his obligation" subsequent to finding the arm with the scar. Capt. Book starts to cut Alex more than once, and as Alex passes on from his injuries, Book censures him and reveals to him that Alex himself is Lauren's killer. In agony and pain, Alex comes to trust Book's untruth, and that uncertainty leaves Alex dead again. Enrage, Capt. Book and his secretary maneuver Alex into Book's mystery taxidermy room, where Erin is tied up with her mouth sewed shut and Walsh's body (missing the left arm, which had been utilized to counterfeit the scarred arm) is dangling from the roof. Erin figures out how to drop Lauren's memento and the crow drops it close to Alex. Speaking to a guarantee of affection and truth, the memento resuscitates Alex. Alex liberates Erin and murders both Madden and the secretary, and Erin runs out with Book in interest. Capt. Book catches Erin and attempts to escape with her in his vehicle, however the revived Alex finds them and uncovered Book's arm, uncovering that he is in reality the man with the scar. 

Alex and Erin take Capt. Book to the site of Alex's passing, and lash him into the hot seat. Alex discloses to Book how electric shock isn't forgiving, however really a difficult technique for execution, and Book raves that he will get back from the dead like Alex did and slaughter Erin. Alex covers Book's face with the veil while Erin tosses the switch, and they watch him squirm excruciatingly as he is shocked. In minutes, Capt. Book blasts into flares and kicks the bucket shouting while Erin and Alex leave his body to incinerate on the seat. Outside the jail, Alex vanishes to be brought together with Lauren, and Erin puts the accessory that bound him to her on his headstone.